Sun to Moon: a year of watching the sky

Inspired by an astronomy themed art residency and the purchase of a telescope, this exhibition brings together a selection of new work, made over the course of a year.

The artwork explores the interplay between the Earth, Sun and Moon; their materials and processes, surfaces and topography, light and space, cycles and rhythms, time and transience.

Experimenting with various media to investigate this new subject, work includes graphite, charcoal and chalk drawings on wood, drawings on scraperboard, ink and oil paintings, digital photography and solargraphs.   Materials used and methods of practice continue a long term interest in juxtaposing serendipity with intent, randomness with precision, the precious with the everyday.

The work often combines tangible, everyday patterns and forms from landscapes on Earth (specifically local places with personal resonance), with more theoretical, abstract, and imagined marks, geometries and depictions.